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We know nutrition is a huge part of our lifestyle, we also know it is far more important than exercise in terms of how we feel and function.

Then why is it that people say to me they find it hard to lose weight or eat healthy?

Healthy eating is no quick fix and takes time of food preparation and money to go out and shop for ingredients. We become busy with our lifestyles or lazy and it becomes a habit to eat the first thing we see in fridge or pantry, or even worse the convenient drive through to buy takeaway. It has become an unhealthy habit that we don’t even realise what we are doing wrong.

When I do consultations and food diaries with my clients most of the time they didn’t realise how much they were spending on takeaway let alone what it’s doing to their body with hidden sugar, fats and high GI carbohydrates. 

My consultations focus on the mind work before I even look at what your daily food consumption is. If we focus on changing your mindset through my metaphysical principles then you can start to make small simple changes with food for a long term solution.

My nutritional workshops and one on one consultations will help you get back on track to healthy well balanced eating. They are simple and effective steps to enjoy eating, meal suggestions and I provide recipes  and recommended reading for ongoing nutritional advice.

I was feeling very tired and lethargic and getting really frustrated, as I thought with all the exercise I’d been doing, I was supposed to feel better not worse. Alli went through my food diary and identified problems in my diet, explaining the effect different foods have on my body. With Alli’s guidance, I made some simple changes to my diet and noticed an immediate improvement. I feel so much better, have heaps more energy and have fewer mood swings.

Kerry Pearce
Feel Healthier and Reshape Your Mind and Body.

Call 0438453399 to book in for the Nutritional Workshop or a One-On-One Consultation with me.