Anyone can be attuned to the reiki energy and become a healer for themselves, others and for our planet. Reiki is divided into three degrees, Reiki I is the first degree which you learn how to heal yourself and anything that is living. . .eg people, pets, plants.
Reiki II is for anyone who has already completed Reiki I (through any Reiki Master) and wishes to also do distant healing eg heal others across the other side of the world, world issues and a deeper understanding with the energy and ancient symbols that can be used. Reiki III is for anyone who has completed the last two Reiki attunements and would like to become a Reiki Master teacher themselves. This is the most rewarding attunement as it is a very strong energy and a commitment to oneself with the Reiki practice.
I am a Reiki Master of Usui and Senju-Kannon and can give these attunements when you feel the time is right for you. I give you a workbook as well as ongoing support once you have completed either I II III or all of them.
Book now, its easy as I come to you.