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Hi welcome to my first blog post! I am so excited to be sharing my new venture with you. I feel my first blog should be about thanking those who have helped and supported me along the way.

This website has taken sometime to put together so thank you to my brother Anthony who works in our family business Keating Graphic Design.

I want to thank my family for their on going patience and support over the time I have been working on putting the website together and my son who is only 4 understands when I need just therapy of lots of cuddle time to relax and unwind.

My wonderful mentors and friends Lisa-Marie Kerr and Wendy Milgate who are the professionals in marketing, writing and editing. My wonderful friends and clients have been promoting my business all the way and are what drive me everyday to believe in myself.

I have such a passion for everything I do and I believe combining spiritual awareness, mindfulness and the laws of metaphysics we can conquer our deepest battles. With the programmes I have put together I feel I have found a way to do this and am very excited to be able to share it with everyone.

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