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“I went down a loop in 2 weeks”
Jay is a 37 year old man who has been overweight for over a decade. He joined a gym 3 months ago and has been training hard 6 days a week but wasn’t getting any results. Jay came to see me two weeks ago for a customized meal plan.
Within the two days he told me he was sleeping better and his indigestion was gone!
Without changing his training routine and just following my meal plan he has gone down a loop hole in his belt!
I’m so happy for Jay that he’s seeing real results and trusts my transformation journey! link in bio
Visit my website if you would like some tips on how to make delicious & healthy meals for your family. If you would like a customized meal plan to help reach your fitness & weight loss goals DM me or contact me through my website.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • lindy flay says:

    Hi Alli
    Thank you very much for the invitation but I am in nd.. living full time..but I would like to speak to you about jumping onboard as an oce estas client for wff next year nz if you would be interested in talking about taking me on…
    Kind rewards
    Lindy flay

    • Alli Keating says:

      Hi Lindy I have just seen this message Im so sorry. . .If you would like to talk about the coaching skype sessions send me a message via face book or insta or email me I hope your well and enjoying beautiful NZ. x

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